All incoming cryptocurrencies undergo AML verification. The final decision on the exchange is made by our security team. In case of high risk of your transaction, the funds will be returned in full.


Note: This transaction is performed by the operator in manual mode and takes 5 to 30 minutes during working hours (daily from 9:00 to 24:00 MSK).

Exchange rate: 1.0006 USDT = 1 USDT

min.: 2 000 USDT max.: 356 228.60892 USDT

min.: 2 000 USDT

min.: 1 998.80072 USDT max.: 356 015 USDT

min.: 1 998.80072 USDT
Including add. service fee (15 USDT)
With fees*:
amount must be greater than 0
User data
Type your answer
Exchange Tether TRC-20 USDT to Tether (ERC-20) USDT

For exchange you need to follow a few steps:

  1. Fill in all the fields of the form submitted. Click «Exchange».
  2. Read the terms of the agreement on exchange services, when accepting it, please tick the appropriate field and press the button «Create bid».
  3. Pay for the bid. To do this, transfer the necessary amount, following the instructions on our website.
  4. After this is done, the systеm will redirect you to the «Bid status» page, where the status of your transferwill be shown.

Note: this operation will require the participation of the operator. The application process takes about 20 minutes.

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